Healing Modalities


Hydrotherapy is the use of water, in many forms, to provide a wide range of therapeutic effects for the body. It employs the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, to stimulate blood and lymph circulation through the vital organs. This results in therapeutic effects on the body that can be used for the management of several acute and chronic health conditions, and overall vitality support.

Craniosacral Therapy

The craniosacral concept is rooted in the understanding that our bodies are completely integrated through a vast network of different connective tissues, structures, and fluids. There is also the understanding that there is an innate rhythm and movement associated with every structure within the body. We also know that the Central Nervous System (CNS) is responsible for the body’s stress response, and as such, when we experience a stressful event, it is stored in our body in a variety of ways. Anything from mental/emotional concerns to digestive problems, and even skin issues can be the result of the CNS storing stress in a particular location of the body, and the body presenting a response to it. Craniosacral therapy is the practice of using gentle manipulation to encourage a return of motion to those aspects of the body where motion has been lost as a result of mental, emotional, or physical stress.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a treatment method developed by Jean-Pierre Barral that can address functional and structural imbalances that exist throughout the body. It focuses on the organs and associated tissues, and their dynamic motion that is inherent in the body. Imbalances or restrictions can affect any system of the body, from musculoskeletal, nervous, and vascular, to digestive and respiratory. Visceral manipulation is performed using specific placement of gentle manual forces to address the underlying structural imbalances found within the body. This helps to restore the inherent motion to the restricted tissues, and by restoring motion, function is also restored.

Dural Attachment Therapy

Our brain and spinal cord are surrounded by a material called the dura. This dura is then contained within the skull and spinal cord, all the way down to the sacrum. As with Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, we know that there is inherent motion in all 22 bones of the skull as well as the surrounding tissues. These tissues can form adhesions, or restrictions, as a result of physical or mental/emotional stressors and events, which can lead to any number of health conditions. Dural Attachment Therapy is the process of releasing these adhesions using a direct application of force to encourage release of the tissues. This increases the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the system and further addresses whole body health.

Biofeedback and Counseling

By integrating holistic counseling techniques with biofeedback and heart rate variability work, we address the root cause of disease through the integration of mind and body. This is achieved through careful and thorough conversations incorporating breath and body work to help guide one through identifying, processing, and releasing mental, emotional, and physical restrictions throughout the body.

Nutritional Support

What we put in to our bodies and how we nourish it are incredibly important to supporting the foundations for health. Many different desired health outcomes require different areas of nutritional support. This can be achieved through diet and/or supplementation as necessary. Together we will work to create the most appropriate diet and supplement regimen to support your health needs.

Botanical Therapy

Botanical therapy draws on our knowledge of the specific actions of different plants on the body. Many pharmaceutical medications in use today are derived from specific constituents within a plant – Aspirin is one example. History has told us of many uses for plants that have far reaching effects on our health. And we know that the synergistic effects of several constituents contained within one plant can have more powerful effects than a single constituent alone. When working through the principles of Naturopathic Medicine, one of the first is to utilize the healing power of nature. Through this, we see botanical therapy have a profound effect on healing.