This week I want to share something a little different with you.
I want to share with you my personal journey through severe anemia.
It’s wild…you would think, as a doctor myself and especially one that specializes in fatigue, pain, and chronic conditions, that I would be on-top of anything along those lines in my own (or my family’s health). But I’m just like everyone else!
I’m a doctor, yes, but I am also a wife, mom, business owner…and so many other titles! So, just like pretty much anyone else, I put myself last on the list…if I’m even on the list at all. I’m the type of person that takes care of everyone else, generally at my own expense.
With our move across the country, my husband and I decided that was at an end! It was time to start taking care of ourselves!
I had been dealing with mild fatigue for a couple of years prior to our move, but with Covid around…there was really no getting it addressed anytime soon! I knew doctors offices were backlogged, and even my colleagues were all busy trying to keep themselves and their families healthy and well. SO…I did my best with self-treating. Focusing on immune support and adrenal support, since I’m not sure my adrenals ever recovered after medical school and 2 kids.
Deep in the process of preparing to move, Covid finally caught up with our family. Blessedly it was mild for us all – no more than fatigue and cold-like symptoms. We all moved through it pretty easily! My fatigue however lingered, and seemed to get progressively worse. I kept pushing it to the back burner though, as we were in the middle of a cross-country move…I told myself it was likely a variation of long-Covid and I would address it once we were settled.
Fast forward to the Fall – we finally got settled in our new house and I was ready to relinquish control of my care and see a doctor for myself. After the labs were run, my doctor called me to let me know that the reason for my fatigue was not Long-Covid as I had suspected, but SEVERE anemia. Nobody could believe I was walking or functioning as well as I was…but truth was, I had no other choice! Remember all the hats?
More testing and imaging, and we discovered the source of the excessive blood loss for me was likely associated with my menstrual cycle. Deep down, the doctor in me KNEW that I was bleeding heavily every month, but I just considered it “normal for me.” Ladies…Just because it is “normal for you” doesn’t mean that it is optimal or healthy. Here’s your reminder to PLEASE talk to your doctor about how much you bleed every month – it makes a difference!
Addressing my menstrual bleeding has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! I now have more energy and vibrance than I have had in YEARS!
And if you are like me, and always put yourself and your wellbeing last on the list (if you even put yourself on the list at all) – I challenge you to change that paradigm today! Start putting yourself FIRST! Because if you aren’t getting taken care of…how can you take care of anyone else? You can’t pour from an empty cup!